Doms Gauge Performing @ LVCS
Last night. #lvcs #lasvegas #fremontstreet #downtownlv #domsgauge#oldsoulyoungbody
Doms Gauge – So Determined
“Carpe diem, seize the moment. Now’s our time, we need to own it.”#SoDetermined Soundcloud – So Determined Spotify – So Determined
Hope Highway – OSYB
“If I leave empty handed on this road I came, I just want you all to know my name.” #HopeHighway #OldSoulYoungBody ITunes – Hope Highway Soundcloud – Hope Highway Spotify – Hope Highway
Oasis – Echoplex LA
Doms Gauge – Oasis Me and Annie Ness performing “Oasis” last week in LA while Mear One was doing a live painting. Thanks everyone that came out and showed love! First show in LA was definitely a success! It was an honor to open for Del at the Echoplex. #delthefunkyhomosapien #echoplex #la#thecyphereffect #thrivepresents
Shouts to the homies at Fuck Your Hustle & The Cypher Effect for posting#OSYB and for the dope write-up on it! The Cypher Effect – Doms Gauge, based out of Las Vegas, NV, releases his latest project, “Old Soul In A Young Body” an open invitation to take a walk in his shoes. OSYB never […]
Listen to Old Soul In A Young Body on YouTube
My full album is now on youtube! stream it here: or go to to stream & download it! #OSYB#OldSoulYoungBody Download my debut album “Old Soul in a Young Body” now at 1. Walk In My Shoes 0:00 2. Shoot 4 The Sky 2:18 3. Hope Highway 6:30 4. O.S.Y.B 10:28 5. So […]
Download Old Soul in a Young Body NOW!

Exactly one year ago I put out “Shoot 4 The Sky” the first single from my debut album “Old Soul in a Young Body”.. Well it’s been a long and crazy journey but today that album is finally being released!! I’ve never been so excited/nervous to put something out before.. This album is more than […]
#OSYB #OldSoulYoungBody The debut album from Doms Gauge “Old Soul in a Young Body” 1-27-15
#Shoot4TheSky 1 DAY!!!!
*1-26-14* NEW SONG/VIDEO “SHOOT 4 THE SKY” TOMORROW!!!! Tomorrow I will be releasing the video for “Shoot 4 The Sky” the first single off my upcoming album “Old Soul in a Young Body”. This was the first song I wrote for my album and when I wrote it I knew I was headed in a […]
Doms Gauge – Shoot 4 The Sky (Teaser)
#Shoot4TheSky This is the official teaser for “Shoot 4 The Sky” the first single off my upcoming album “Old Soul in a Young Body” #OSYB #OldSoulYoungBody Shot/Directed/Edited by Jake Stark @MrJakeStark